Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy

Phebra is committed to responsible privacy practices, and is bound by the principles in the Australian Government’s Privacy Law. This privacy policy explains how Phebra collects online information that identifies an individual personally and how this information is used, stored and secured. By accessing and using Phebra’s website, you accept the terms and conditions of this policy. References to Phebra in this policy encompass its employees, agents and contractors.

This privacy policy should be read in conjunction with the Website Terms and Conditions.

Personal Information

The information collected will be necessary for Phebra’s work, and will be collected fairly and lawfully. Phebra will inform individuals why personal information is being collected, and use personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and/or consented to by the individual. Examples of personal information requested and/or voluntarily submitted to Phebra on this website include name, postal address, email address, telephone numbers. When practicable, people have the option of interacting anonymously. If incorrect, personal information can be amended or revised.

Storage and Security

Phebra will take responsible steps to ensure that all personal information is captured, managed, stored and transmitted in accordance with this privacy policy. It will be stored securely to prevent its loss or misuse, unauthorised access, its modification or disclosure. Phebra will destroy or restrict access to information in compliance with Privacy Law.

Access to personal information is limited to a restricted number of Phebra employees. Phebra will not use or disclose personal information to third parties, without an individual’s consent, for purposes other than those listed below.

  • to supply with a service or product which has been requested
  • when permitted under an agreement with the individual
  • to lessen a serious threat to a person’s health or safety
  • when required by law
  • when required for the enforcement of law
  • emergency situations

Phebra will not provide this information to any other company for that company’s independent use.

Regarding an individual’s personal information, when requested, Phebra takes reasonable steps to let that individual know the:

  • sort of personal information it holds
  • purpose
  • methods of collection, storage, use and any disclosure
  • period the information is kept on record
  • people entitled to access personal information and conditions under which they are entitled to this access
  • steps an individual can take to access their personal information

Personal Information can only be transferred overseas if in line with national privacy principles. The information may be used in jurisdictions where the privacy laws may be different and less protective than those of Australia.


A technology called ‘cookies’ is used on the website. A cookie is a small data file that is placed on a user’s computer when a website is accessed. However, cookies by themselves cannot be used to discover a user’s identity. Cookies act as a memory for a website, enabling that website to remember a user’s computer on return visits. Individuals have the ability to accept or decline cookies, however, if declined, some areas of the website may not function fully. Phebra may use cookies to collate anonymous, aggregated statistics to enable us to understand how our website is used.


Phebra complies with the Commonwealth SPAM Act, and therefore Phebra will not send individuals a commercial electronic message unless permitted by the Act.

IP Addresses

When using the Phebra website, the IP address, the referring website URL and the date and time of file requests to which information is sent may be collected automatically. This information is used to monitor activity within the website, and used to maintain and improve the quality of information that Phebra displays.

The IP address is not linked to an individual’s personal information, however Phebra reserves the right to use IP addresses to identify individuals should the website be threatened.

Links to Other Websites

Phebra’s website contains links to third party sites as a service to users. Phebra does not endorse or warrant anything in relation to linked third party websites. Access to linked third party websites is entirely at the individual’s risk. The privacy policy outlined here does not pertain to those external sites.

Are you under 18 years of age?

Phebra does not want to collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. Those under 18 years are requested not to enter any information on this website.

Privacy Policy Changes

We may change the terms of this privacy policy at any time. If amended, the revised policy will be posted on this website. Phebra recommends that individuals review the privacy policy whenever the website is visited.

Contact Us

Any questions or issues concerning the use or disclosure of personal information should be directed to Phebra’s Privacy Officer by sending an email to .
